Putin Ownes Tiger and Saves TV Crew (Full Story)
This guy has been a very entertaining "1 Upper". I mean he just couldn't sit back and be upstaged by that little Alaskan Governor (Alaska, probably on his list of territories to reclaim.) I mean everybody who has seen Animal Plant knows that a tranquiliser dart takes like 10 mins to take effect. So either the tiger was like 3 miles away when he started charging them, and then fell asleep on the way over OR Putin loads his tranquiliser darts with the same chemical they pumped into that Moscow theater. I'm convinced that the intentions of all these PR stunts are less about proving to the Russian people that, "Putin eez a beeg strong man, heez not homosexual at all"; and more about, "We know that you know this is all completely ridiculous, but play along or we will poison you and your family radioactive style." Here are just a couple more hilariously transparent PR Stunts:
2) The "Number One" smash hit on the Russian pop charts - "I Want A Man Like Putin" (lyrics)
Yeah, but our (former) Vice President Hunted people and that's way more badass.
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