Sen. Charles Grassley had some harsh words for AIG executives, but we should be be saying the same thing to congress. Talk about lack of oversight, what about this so called "emergency bill" that was crammed down our throats. You know the bill that was specifically amended (by Chris Dodd) to protect all bonuses that were promised to executives prior to 2009. Now, they are not only complaining about it, they are actually asking those same executives to give back the money or else they will tax it at 100%. So let me get this straight, we give our money to the government, the government gives it to the Company (bail-out), the Company gives it to the Executives (bonuses), who then turn around and return it to the Government (100% tax rate). That's government efficiency for you!
If you ask me, the bonuses sound pretty legit. I mean they were signed contracts well before the bail-out and they are run-of-the-mill bonuses that ALL executives get (regardless of industry). They get paid just like salesmen, rather then a high salary, they get bonuses. I'll admit that the bonuses tick me off a bit, but it's congress' fault for giving the money away with no strings attached. Besides that, even if you add up all the bonuses they are less then a drop in Obama's trillion dollar ocean of fiscal irresponsibility. All of this phony outrage is merely a smokescreen to get your attention off their own ineptitude.