At least that that is the line given in this article, which basically argues that those who are against "Big Government" should avoid Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits, all Veterans Administration Benefits, Mental Health care, Child Welfare Programs, Educational Programs, Housing Programs, Worker's Compensation Benefits, etc., etc., etc.
Hey, if there was way to opt out of all of that and stop funding it at the same time, then count me in (or out.)
Few people are calling for the total elimination of those programs. Most people just feel that there are too many taking advantage of the programs and there is too much waste, costing the tax-payers money.
Its the equivalent of somebody saying "Oh, you don't support big corporations? then you should never buy anything at any store, unless it was hand made and walked to the store by courier"
People don't "like" big government, they just think they can't live with out it. Especially when they are told that they will lose the most essential programs if taxes don't go up.
For example, police and firemen are almost always used as pawns to get a tax increase approved. As if there are no other areas in which the government can cut back on.
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