Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Goracle Re-Educates Your Kids

Al Gore recently gave a speech in Washington to a group of 3,000 fourth and fifth graders. Here is a portion of his speech.
"...But I'm thinking back now a long way to when I was your age and the civil rights movement was unfolding. And we kids asked our parents and their generation, "Explain to me again why it's okay for the law to officially discriminate against people because of their skin color." And parents try to tell their kids the right thing, you know, usually. I do. And when our parents' generation couldn't answer that question, that's when the law started to change. There are some things about our world that you know that older people don't know....“Why would that be? Well, in a period of rapid change, the old assumptions sometimes just don’t work anymore because they’re out of date. New knowledge, new understandings are much more widely available, sometimes to young people who are in school who aren’t weighed down with the old flawed assumptions of the past.”
So he is literally pitting the youth of this nation against their parents. He's brainwashing our children into thinking that if their parents question the science behind the man made global warming myth, then they are equivalent to racists. The worst part about this whole thing isn't that Al Gore wants to usurp control from parents, liberals have been doing that for decades. The surprising bit is that this speech was almost completely ignored by the media. I would think that anyone who has children would be disturbed by these tactics, but then again I'm just another one of those racist global warming deniers.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
God's Will or Free Will?

"There's no difference between creating something whose every future action is known to you, and creating something with no free will that is programmed to follow that exact behavior. Both entities reach the exact same expected ends. Either way you would be a monster if you decide to *punish* something that you knew with perfect certainty would turn out wrong."
I thought about this for while and came up with a somewhat coherent response. First of all, the Bible does not teach that God makes decisions for us, it just says that God knows the beginning from the end (omnipotence). The easiest way to understand how God might see us is to think about yourself as a 2 dimensional being and God as a 3 dimensional being. This is illustrated very well in the following video clip.
So we are 3 dimensional beings (bound by time) and God is omnipotent (not bound by any dimensions or time). We can only see our world one moment at a time. However, when He looks at us, He sees one continuous person (a finished work), from the time we are born to the time we die (which encompasses every good or bad decision we make along the way). Whether or not the outcome of a choice can be known by an infinite being makes no difference to the free will of the agent making the choice. Likewise, the fact that He can intervene in our life or that we can choose to do right/wrong, doesn't change his ability to predict it.
The real question is why God chooses to created individuals whom he knows will be predestined to go to hell..... Greater Good?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Michael Phelps: Cereal Killer...Dude!
How else is he supposed to put away 12,000 calories/day. His current sponsors might not like the idea, but crisis could equal opportunity. Think of the possibilities Cheetos, Fruity Pebbles, Funyins...the list goes on and on.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Fight Global Warming With Abortion?

The Optimum Population Trust says:
"Each baby born in Britain will, during his or her lifetime, burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of old-growth oak woodland." (Click For Full Story)
First of all, comparing ANY human life to a bunch of monumental trees is completely ridiculous. I also find it ridiculous that they specify one of the worlds favorite forms of plant life and then compare it to a completely generic baby. Why not weigh one average run-of-the-mill 2½ acre cornfield against...say an Albert Einstein or an Isaac Newton? Either way, the circular (il)logic becomes evident fairly quickly when you actually look at the global warming argument for what it really is. For example; why are we supposed to care about carbon footprints? Because of global warming? But why do we care about global warming? Because it will hurt people. So if we see people as the problem, then there's nothing to care about anymore. I mean, why try to save future generations from global warming if they are only going to continue to contribute to the problem anyway.
The OPT goes on to say,
"We still have one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies in Europe and we still have relatively high levels of pregnancies going to birth, often among women who are not convinced they want to become mothers."I don't know about you, but there is nothing that makes me more angry and disillusioned then "high levels of pregnancy going to birth." I mean, who do these women think they are?
I also find it interesting that the green movement seams to be focusing it's energy on preaching about overpopulation. I can't say I blame them. Overpopulation is great because it's so easy to sell to an urban population. (OMG Look at all the people!) This is the same thing that makes "deforestation" and other environmental impact stuff easy to sell: The people who need to buy into it are in places where the effect of man is hugely exaggerated. Combine that with a lack of understanding about how big things are and how old things are, and you have a pretty easy pitch. Never mind the fact that fifty acres of new rain forest are growing up for every acre now being cut down or the fact that we have more trees today then we did 70 years ago.
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