Al Gore recently gave a speech in Washington to a group of 3,000 fourth and fifth graders. Here is a portion of his speech.
"...But I'm thinking back now a long way to when I was your age and the civil rights movement was unfolding. And we kids asked our parents and their generation, "Explain to me again why it's okay for the law to officially discriminate against people because of their skin color." And parents try to tell their kids the right thing, you know, usually. I do. And when our parents' generation couldn't answer that question, that's when the law started to change. There are some things about our world that you know that older people don't know....“Why would that be? Well, in a period of rapid change, the old assumptions sometimes just don’t work anymore because they’re out of date. New knowledge, new understandings are much more widely available, sometimes to young people who are in school who aren’t weighed down with the old flawed assumptions of the past.”
So he is literally pitting the youth of this nation against their parents. He's brainwashing our children into thinking that if their parents question the science behind the man made global warming myth, then they are equivalent to racists. The worst part about this whole thing isn't that Al Gore wants to usurp control from parents, liberals have been doing that for decades. The surprising bit is that this speech was almost completely ignored by the media. I would think that anyone who has children would be disturbed by these tactics, but then again I'm just another one of those racist global warming deniers.
If Gore would just shut-up for a year, the global temperature would probably go down 5 degrees.
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