[Msgr Wojciech Giertych, theologian to the papal household, wrote in L'Osservatore Romano that] the most difficult sin for men to face was lust, followed by gluttony, sloth, anger, pride, envy and greed. For women, the most dangerous sins were pride, envy, anger, lust, and sloth, he added.
What, so the men struggle with all 7 sins, but somehow the women are not susceptible to gluttony and greed? What about Rosie O'Donnell?
This is just another useless proclamation coming out of the "Magisterium." They might as well just list their favorite colors.
Did you see that the Church is starting to give out indulgences again? Not selling them, not yet at least.
In an economy like this....you couldn't give indulgences away.
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