When I first saw this cartoon I honestly thought that people would be upset because a woman was mutilated as a result of the attack and the cartoon was simply "too soon." As far as the metaphor involving the monkey, I honestly thought the monkey was a symbol of all politicians in Washington. The reason I didn't immediately think of Obama was because I thought everybody knew that he had nothing to do with the actual "writing" of the stimulus bill. Also, unlike most race baiters out there I don't immediately think of African Americans any time a simian is referenced.
Even if the monkey was specifically meant to depict Obama, it would have less to do with his race, and more to do with miserable performance as president thus far. I mean the double standard is glaring. For example, please tell me how it's ok for President Bush to be compared to a chimpanzee on a regular, repeated basis, but it is racist to compare President Obama to one. We've been calling our politicians monkeys for a long, long time. Not being able to call all politicians monkeys, or apes, or snakes, would be truly racist. Anyway, we all know the left's outrage is completely phony since we didn't hear a peep out of them when similar cartoons were published depicting Condi Rice as an ape and even a slave.
So let this be a lesson to all. Any further criticism of Obama will be interpreted as a thinly veiled expression of racism, since there is simply no other reason to disagree with him. This is the only logical conclusion since all true Americans know that Obama is the most successful president ever. His opponents should be jailed and his every utterance should be collected for all time, perhaps in a small book to be issued to every citizen.
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