The Rosetta Project is a global collaboration of language specialists and native speakers working to build a publicly accessible digital library of human languages. Since becoming a National Science Digital Library collection in 2004, the Rosetta Archive has more than doubled its collection size, now serving nearly 100,000 pages of material documenting over 2,500 languages--the largest resource of its kind on the Net.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Rosetta Project
The Rosetta Project is a global collaboration of language specialists and native speakers working to build a publicly accessible digital library of human languages. Since becoming a National Science Digital Library collection in 2004, the Rosetta Archive has more than doubled its collection size, now serving nearly 100,000 pages of material documenting over 2,500 languages--the largest resource of its kind on the Net.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Oh, that's....... whats his face!!?
I just saw this guy on TMZ last night and was reminded of how many awesome movies he's in. As a practice, I try not to wiki actors that I enjoy because then I'm forced to confront their idiotic socialist rhetoric (like this). Click the image for an impartial IMDB profile.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Bill Clinton is Great and So Can You!
In this article Bill Clinton talks about how a professor once told him that "great men often require less rest than ordinary people, some sleeping no more than five hours a night." And because Bill is such a great man he had no choice but to adopt that pattern.
Gee...that's funny, because a wise man once told ME that great men do not attempt to become great by copying the personal habits that professors say are common among great men. Besides, I don't get much sleep either.....and I'm a loser.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Somali Pirate Thinks He's A Celebrity
Monday, April 20, 2009
How To Get Your Hair Really...Really Clean!

The NYT reports "Waterboarding Used 266 Times on 2 Suspects"(Link)
A lot of people will look at this NYT headline and say things like:
1) How anyone can believe that repeatedly use this ugly technique this many times isn't torture mystifies me.
3) I bet if we took someone who says waterboarding is not torture, we could make them confess that it truly is, by waterboarding them up to 200 times.
4) If you do something to someone 100 times, just how much can you rely on the information he gives up on the 101st attempt?
My Response:
1) Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl were unavailable for comment.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Quit Playin With You Dingy !
According to the AP:
"..dramatic and successful rescue operation by U.S. Special Operations forces... left Obama with an early victory that could help build confidence in his ability to direct military actions abroad.."
First of all, this was not a rescue attempt ordered by National Command Authority (i.e. the President.) It was a reaction by the on scene commander under standard authority to safeguard the life of a hostage. To his credit, he did affirm the military's authorization to use force if the captain's life was in danger, but they already would have had that authorization as part of their standard rules of engagement.
Secondly, You got to be kidding if you are calling this a "military victory". Only the swooning media would consider picking off a bunch of peg legged swashbucklers in a life raft a military victory, and if this situation gives you "confidence in his (Obama's) ability to direct military actions abroad"....then you are seriously underestimating the "abroad" threats we are currently facing.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
More aggressive cartoons are funnier (Duh!)

McCauley C, Woods K, Coolidge C, Kulick W.
J Pers Soc Psychol. 1983 Apr;44(4):817-23.
Independent rankings of humor and aggressiveness were obtained for sets of cartoons drawn randomly from two different magazines. The correlation of median humor and median aggressiveness rankings ranged from .49 to .90 in six studies involving six different sets of cartoons and six different groups of subjects, including children and adults, high and low socioeconomic status (SES) individuals, and native- and foreign-born individuals. This correlation is consistent with Freudian, arousal, and superiority theories of humor. Another prediction of Freudian theory, that high-SES subjects should be more appreciative of aggressive humor than low-SES subjects, was not supported.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Squeez Bacon..Yummy!

Squeez Bacon® is fully cooked 100% bacon. Due to the patented electro-mechanical process by which Squeez Bacon® is rendered, it requires no preservatives or other additives. Each serving is as healthy as real bacon, and equivalent to 4 premium slices of bacon! You can put it on sandwiches, pizza, pastas, bacon, soups, pies, eat it hot or cold (warm Squeez Bacon® on toasted rye is to die for), substitute it for bacon in your recipes, or even eat it right out of the tube like we do! If it’s edible, it’s better with Squeez Bacon®.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"Resign.... Or Go Commit Suicide."

Sen. Charles Grassley had some harsh words for AIG executives, but we should be be saying the same thing to congress. Talk about lack of oversight, what about this so called "emergency bill" that was crammed down our throats. You know the bill that was specifically amended (by Chris Dodd) to protect all bonuses that were promised to executives prior to 2009. Now, they are not only complaining about it, they are actually asking those same executives to give back the money or else they will tax it at 100%. So let me get this straight, we give our money to the government, the government gives it to the Company (bail-out), the Company gives it to the Executives (bonuses), who then turn around and return it to the Government (100% tax rate). That's government efficiency for you!
If you ask me, the bonuses sound pretty legit. I mean they were signed contracts well before the bail-out and they are run-of-the-mill bonuses that ALL executives get (regardless of industry). They get paid just like salesmen, rather then a high salary, they get bonuses. I'll admit that the bonuses tick me off a bit, but it's congress' fault for giving the money away with no strings attached. Besides that, even if you add up all the bonuses they are less then a drop in Obama's trillion dollar ocean of fiscal irresponsibility. All of this phony outrage is merely a smokescreen to get your attention off their own ineptitude.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Americans Like Big Government: They just don't really know it yet

At least that that is the line given in this article, which basically argues that those who are against "Big Government" should avoid Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Unemployment Benefits, all Veterans Administration Benefits, Mental Health care, Child Welfare Programs, Educational Programs, Housing Programs, Worker's Compensation Benefits, etc., etc., etc.
Hey, if there was way to opt out of all of that and stop funding it at the same time, then count me in (or out.)
The Arms Of A Godess (rolls eyes)

I just don't get why everyone thinks she is so good looking. I mean, what good are femininely toned arms when you have "dude" shoulders.(I know...I'm a jerk) I don't give a crap if she prefers to go sleeveless, I just think it's a little bit confusing. Isn't she supposed to be against the second amendment?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Neuroscience: the Enemy of Religion?

Martha Farah (Neuroscientist, UPenn) argues that "neuroscience will pose a far more fundamental challenge than evolutionary biology to many religions."
"Most religions endorse the idea of a soul (or spirit) that is distinct from the physical body ... However, as neuroscience begins to reveal the mechanisms underlying personality, love, morality, and spirituality, the idea of a ghost in the machine becomes strained. Brain imaging indicates that all of these traits have physical correlates in brain function. Furthermore, pharmacologic influences on these traits, as well as the effects of localized stimulation or damage, demonstrate that the brain processes in question are not mere correlates but are the physical bases of these central aspects of our personhood. If these aspects of the person are all features of the machine, why have a ghost at all?"
In general I find arguments like this one, which pit science against religion are almost always based on a false premise. That is to say, just because religion is based on faith that it somehow can't also be supported by science. In this instance they attempt to prove that the soul (as the Bible describes it) doesn't exist since it can be explained biologically.
Just because the experience of spirituality can be neurally located doesn't mean than nothing is being experienced spiritualy. In addition, the fact that an MRI can detect "hot spots" in the brain is correlation information only, and in no way describes the root cause of perception. Studies like this only show associations between brain activity and conscious states. Besides, when it comes to the soul, the Bible does not describe any concepts (in my opinion) that can be directly contradicted by neuroscience (so far).
That being said, there are some problems with my interpretation of the soul/body association. For example, brain injury provides pretty strong evidence that particular brain areas are vital in order for specific conscious states to exist (e.g. use of language). So does this mean that someone who's brain can no longer produce "hot spots", is somehow unable to connect with that particular spiritual state?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
20 Ways To Be Annoying

1. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies.
2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors."
3. If you have glasses, repeatedly take them on and off during a conversation in order to emphasize your point.
4. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."
5. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what you think."
6. Practice making fax and modem noises.
7. Highlight irrelevant information in technical papers and "cc" them to your boss.
8. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
9. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears and grimacing.
10. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."
11. Staple pages in the middle of the page.
12. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a croaking noise.
13. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints at the cash register.
15. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
16. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times.
"Never mind, it's gone now."
17. Ask people what gender they are.
18. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
19. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.
20. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
So Gitmo IS A Tropical Paradise After All!

The Guantanamo Bay military prison meets the requirement of the Geneva Convention.
So why would you first promise to close the place and then order a study showing the facts relevant to the question of whether it should be closed? Oh, I get it....when Bush is President Guantanamo is an American gulag, but when Obama is President, Guantanamo magically complies with the Geneva Convention.
So why would you first promise to close the place and then order a study showing the facts relevant to the question of whether it should be closed? Oh, I get it....when Bush is President Guantanamo is an American gulag, but when Obama is President, Guantanamo magically complies with the Geneva Convention.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Chimps Have Big Ears Too

When I first saw this cartoon I honestly thought that people would be upset because a woman was mutilated as a result of the attack and the cartoon was simply "too soon." As far as the metaphor involving the monkey, I honestly thought the monkey was a symbol of all politicians in Washington. The reason I didn't immediately think of Obama was because I thought everybody knew that he had nothing to do with the actual "writing" of the stimulus bill. Also, unlike most race baiters out there I don't immediately think of African Americans any time a simian is referenced.
Even if the monkey was specifically meant to depict Obama, it would have less to do with his race, and more to do with miserable performance as president thus far. I mean the double standard is glaring. For example, please tell me how it's ok for President Bush to be compared to a chimpanzee on a regular, repeated basis, but it is racist to compare President Obama to one. We've been calling our politicians monkeys for a long, long time. Not being able to call all politicians monkeys, or apes, or snakes, would be truly racist. Anyway, we all know the left's outrage is completely phony since we didn't hear a peep out of them when similar cartoons were published depicting Condi Rice as an ape and even a slave.
So let this be a lesson to all. Any further criticism of Obama will be interpreted as a thinly veiled expression of racism, since there is simply no other reason to disagree with him. This is the only logical conclusion since all true Americans know that Obama is the most successful president ever. His opponents should be jailed and his every utterance should be collected for all time, perhaps in a small book to be issued to every citizen.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Brush Up On Your Economics

Recently, I have been wondering if my understanding of the current economic downturn is correct. So I've researched some of the major contributors to the problem. I'm sure you probably already know this info, but it might be worth a refresher. Feel free to flame me if you disagree.
1) HOUSING SLUMP - When the rate of housing purchases slows, people are spending less money and saving more money away in the bank. This means that banks are excepting more deposit then they are giving out in withdraws. This results in the banks having a larger pool of funds from which to lend, but less customers to lend to (since everyone is saving money). With more money available for lending and less demand to withdraw money, the rates will inevitably lower over time, since banks are eager to get people to take out loans. The lower interest rates should result in consumers purchasing homes again because the cost of borrowing is down. So over time, the “housing slump” should correct itself.
2) CREDIT CRISIS - A reflection of consumers who purchased houses they could not afford at the time, but with “creative” mortgages were able to meet initial payments. When the interest rates went up (as expected) the consumers ability to make the monthly payments went bye-bye. People decided to go bankrupt and foreclose on their mortgages, thus transferring the property back to the bank that held the mortgage. This situation is very dangerous for banks, since they are now flush with property that they can't make any money on because the properties they just absorbed are worth much less then when they originally purchased them. On top of that, the banks can't make as much money on the loans as they used to since they have had to lower the interest they charge on loans (because of the housing slump). This situation results in a vicious circle since banks now have to raise interest rates on loans (so they will bring in more money) and lower interest rates on savings accounts (so they are not losing as much money). So the solution to the credit crisis is in direct conflict with the solution to the housing slump.
3) INFLATION - One of the most prominent factors of inflation is the printing of money. Every year the Federal Reserve prints new money proportionally to the increase in GDP for that year. GDP (Gross Domestic Product)is the total value of all goods and services in the country. Inflation occurs when the Fed prints more money then the annual increase in GDP. So right now there is more new money is in circulation relative to the total GDP. So we have too much money chasing a too few goods. This is why the price of everything goes up during inflation. A dollar now purchases less product than it used to. From an international standpoint, this is good and bad. It's good because it becomes cheaper for foreign countries purchase our good (since their money is worth more).So we produce and sell more goods (Which is good for business). It's bad because we are now paying more money for foreign products to be imported to us. Altogether, it is a net loss for us since we import more then we export.
1) HOUSING SLUMP - When the rate of housing purchases slows, people are spending less money and saving more money away in the bank. This means that banks are excepting more deposit then they are giving out in withdraws. This results in the banks having a larger pool of funds from which to lend, but less customers to lend to (since everyone is saving money). With more money available for lending and less demand to withdraw money, the rates will inevitably lower over time, since banks are eager to get people to take out loans. The lower interest rates should result in consumers purchasing homes again because the cost of borrowing is down. So over time, the “housing slump” should correct itself.
2) CREDIT CRISIS - A reflection of consumers who purchased houses they could not afford at the time, but with “creative” mortgages were able to meet initial payments. When the interest rates went up (as expected) the consumers ability to make the monthly payments went bye-bye. People decided to go bankrupt and foreclose on their mortgages, thus transferring the property back to the bank that held the mortgage. This situation is very dangerous for banks, since they are now flush with property that they can't make any money on because the properties they just absorbed are worth much less then when they originally purchased them. On top of that, the banks can't make as much money on the loans as they used to since they have had to lower the interest they charge on loans (because of the housing slump). This situation results in a vicious circle since banks now have to raise interest rates on loans (so they will bring in more money) and lower interest rates on savings accounts (so they are not losing as much money). So the solution to the credit crisis is in direct conflict with the solution to the housing slump.
3) INFLATION - One of the most prominent factors of inflation is the printing of money. Every year the Federal Reserve prints new money proportionally to the increase in GDP for that year. GDP (Gross Domestic Product)is the total value of all goods and services in the country. Inflation occurs when the Fed prints more money then the annual increase in GDP. So right now there is more new money is in circulation relative to the total GDP. So we have too much money chasing a too few goods. This is why the price of everything goes up during inflation. A dollar now purchases less product than it used to. From an international standpoint, this is good and bad. It's good because it becomes cheaper for foreign countries purchase our good (since their money is worth more).So we produce and sell more goods (Which is good for business). It's bad because we are now paying more money for foreign products to be imported to us. Altogether, it is a net loss for us since we import more then we export.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Peeping TSA Pervs

Today in Tulsa, the Transportation Security Administration began a new security system that will be able to see you naked. I predict that a suspiciously large percentage of randomly selected passengers will be attractive women. Just wait until the scans of famous people start appearing on You Tube and know they will.
I Totally Need To Re-prioritize My Sins!

[Msgr Wojciech Giertych, theologian to the papal household, wrote in L'Osservatore Romano that] the most difficult sin for men to face was lust, followed by gluttony, sloth, anger, pride, envy and greed. For women, the most dangerous sins were pride, envy, anger, lust, and sloth, he added.
What, so the men struggle with all 7 sins, but somehow the women are not susceptible to gluttony and greed? What about Rosie O'Donnell?
This is just another useless proclamation coming out of the "Magisterium." They might as well just list their favorite colors.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Furious George and the Very Bad Hair Day

**Disclaimer** Making light of a tragic event is considered a "coping mechanism". Therefore, taking advantage of the awesome joke potential in stories like this is only a natural and helpful part of the grieving process.
This is an awful story about a woman who was attacked by a 200 pound pet monkey. I'm always amazed at the faux puzzlement that the media spins into stories like this. !!News Flash!! Chimps eat their own children...what makes you think they won't eat your face or your balls. Besides, If you watch the video, you'll see that the only reason this ape flipped out was because some unprofessional a-hole kept walking into his line of sight.
The end of the article speculates that the real reason for the attack may have been the woman's new haircut. I wonder if was a perm? If it wasn't, it is now;)
This is an awful story about a woman who was attacked by a 200 pound pet monkey. I'm always amazed at the faux puzzlement that the media spins into stories like this. !!News Flash!! Chimps eat their own children...what makes you think they won't eat your face or your balls. Besides, If you watch the video, you'll see that the only reason this ape flipped out was because some unprofessional a-hole kept walking into his line of sight.
The end of the article speculates that the real reason for the attack may have been the woman's new haircut. I wonder if was a perm? If it wasn't, it is now;)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Jet-Skis Are Like Totally Yesterday
Not even a poet could express the sheer awesomeness of this product!
I'm a Racist Pig!!!

Perform the following TEST and see how much of a bigot you really are. Apparently, "my data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin." That's no surprise....You know, since I'm a conservative.
Tallest Building In The World
Thursday, February 12, 2009
23 Year Evolution Of Devastator
Unknown Bacteria...Fountain Of Youth?
Better Sex Found In Mammoth Graveyard
If we've learned anything from movies, it's that injecting unknown bacteria into humans has only positive effects.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to tell my beautiful wife that I love her very much and I wish for her to have an awesome birthday. She is really so good to me, and I don't deserve it. I am so glad that God has had grace and mercy on me in sending this wonderful creation, that is Victoria. I am so thankful to have a companion that gives me strength and makes everyday a blessing.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
So Much For The "Informed Consent" Lie
"The baby writhed and gasped for air, still connected to [Sycloria] Williams bythe umbilical cord. Immobilized by shock, Williams watched [abortion clinicowner Belkis] Gonzalez run into the room, cut the umbilical cord with a pair oforange-handled shears, stuff the baby and afterbirth into a red biohazard bagand throw the bag into a garbage can"
Can someone please tell me how a mother who went to an abortion clinic to seek the death of her unborn child can recover damages for witnessing that death? I understand that her premeditated plan didn't work out exactly the way she envisioned it, but she still got what she paid for. The only thing the clinic forgot to do was set up a statue of Ba'al to consecrate the ritual. Honestly though, what's the difference in the end? Either way, it's a life snuffed out deliberately. I mean, this story would have been just as sad even if the abortion HADN'T been 'botched.'
To claim damages, is to admit that you didn't understand what you were doing when you sought the abortion. If women are to have a right to choose to have an abortion (as the law says) then isn't it crucial that she understand what she is doing. If she did not know, then it undermines the whole basis for the right to choose to have an abortion. Choices imply competent understanding.....or at least they should.
The way I see it, there are two kinds of women who get abortions: those who are deceived (or deceiving themselves) about the reality of the murder in which they are collaborating, and those inhuman enough not to care. I would like to believe that a majority of women are the former, but it seems almost impossible that they aren't aware of what an abortion is. For example, I don't think there's one person in the world who doesn't know that smoking is harmful. Yet people still smoke and then blame tobacco companies when they find out how unglamourous dieing of lung cancer really is. For this woman, the experience brought her face to face with the brutality of her act, and instead of blaming herself, she blames the abortionist. I guess it makes the guilt easier to live with. In reality, the "harm" was actually self-inflicted. If anyone is going to be sued, it ought to be the planned parenthood "advisor" who obviously didn't explain to this woman what was gonna happen once she put her feet in those stirrups.
The only silver lining in this case is the fact that the left wasn't able hide it. Although it is justifiably disturbing to read about stuff like this; at the very least, it forces the public to confront the slippery slope that Roe v Wade has lead us to. It's stories like this that send the liberal left into damage control mode, because it exposes the weakness in their arguments. First they try to dehumanize unborn children, as if a fetus magical transforms into a human as it passes down the birth canal. To them, the difference between a life and a collection of cells all depends on what side of the cervix it resides. When that lie is exposed, they resort to misdirection. It becomes, "pay no attention to that wriggling, gasping baby behind the curtain". They thinly veil abortion as some sort of vague female empowerment issue, and for some reason it seems to work.
Which brings me to the Infant Born Alive Act. You know, the bill President Obama voted against as a state senator in Illinois. A bill that he deemed to be an undue burden on a woman in crisis. A bill of which he called partisan and unnecessary; a law that would have put this baby killing doctor in prison where he belongs. I guess criminalizing infanticide is not nearly as important to Obama as wasting money promoting abortion abroad. All the while he pals around with Rick Warren playing coy to the fact that his position on abortion is as extreme as is gets.
Tragically, all the main characters in this story are black hats, except the true Shanice (Yes, she had a name). A baby who's life might very well have been saved if her mother would have been shown a video of an abortion procedure or at least given a fetal stage development booklet. That didn't happen because the left blocks any attempt to inform women on what's really going on inside their womb. Groups like Planned Parenthood convince these women that they are better off not knowing the truth. Eventually that woman's cruel ignorance naturally transforms into overwhelming guilt, and suddenly the idea of submitting to a simple pre-abortion ultrasound doesn't seem so emotionally harmful after all.
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